Monday, 26 July 2010

Another Mixtape!

Yeah! I just came back from Indietracks, which was amazing as usual. Sadly I don't have time to write it up for you since I'm off to Edinburgh for the Fringe on Wednesday and before that I need to pack my entire room into boxes since I'm moving out while I'm away.
So this will have to act as a stopgap: another mixtape for Pic 'n' Mixx, who were DJing and did their usual mixtape swap fun. Because I'm an idiot I didn't actually manage to get mine in the box and swapped, but here it is for you anyway. Sadly you won't get the amazing/shit/amazingly shit cover art but hopefully you can cope with that.

Robot Boys & PUNK Girls

Have a fun rest of the summer! See you in September when I'll finally keep my new show promise.